Monday, May 23, 2011

I was paid to take items out of CVS today :)

CVS has some good deals going on if you have the right coupon match-up.

At the beginning of this month, there were a mess of coupon inserts in the I bought three copies that week.  Well that investment has SERIOUSLY paid itself back twice, thrice, etc. times over!

CVS has a current deal on Purex laundry detergent.  Purex is on sale for $1.98 (limit of 4).
 In the May 1st Red Plum, there is a coupon for $1 off 1 bottle of Purex.  I had three I bought three....bringing my total cost for the three bottles to $2.94.

I'm starting to gather a little stockpile of laundry detergent...which is funny because I don't have a washing machine in my building and often take my laundry home to my parents' house or a friend's home.  So guess who is getting all that detergent - MOM and DAD :)  For all those years of supporting me, it's fun to see their faces when I show up with bags of stuff I've gotten for free that they no longer have to pay for.  Yay!

They also had a great deal on Revlon nailpolish.  For each $4.99 bottle, you got $4.00 in Extra Care bucks.  There was a matching coupon in the May 8th Smart Source for $2 off 1 Revlon cosmetic.  My teller was pretty confused as to what constituted a cosmetic, but he eventually gave me the $2 off each bottle (I had three coupons for this too).  So my $14.97 total cost for nailpolish was brought down to  $8.97.

This means that my total bill was $11.95 with taxes BUT I got $12 back in Extra Care Bucks (due to the nailpolish).

I was technically paid a NICKLE to take all those items home with me!

1 comment:

  1. This is why I was at CVS today and found out about the "green bag tag." It was great! I am trying to stock pile enough stuff to send my sis a care package for her birthday in July. She doesn't have the temperament to coupon. LOL!
