Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My first attempt at making money at CVS

So today I was cursed (and blessed) with having to stay home due to a stomach bug.  I absolutely needed to buy myself some gatorade, so I knew that I was going to plan this trip to try out some of these super couponing tips.

I decided to go to CVS because there were many things in the mailer that were going to earn me bucks that I would be using immediately or in the future.  I was prewarned that the first time you go to CVS to do this, you will be paying quite a bit...but you'll walk out with money to spend next time.

Buck earners
Baby Diapers 
I don't have a child, but I am going to a baby shower in a few weeks, so why not? One box of diapers was $21.99 (down from $23.99) - side bar: diapers are crazy expensive!  I have several friends with babies....they better get ready for me to call and find out what size their kids are using so I can earn money and get them cheap diapers!
Bucks earned: $10.00
This means that I essentially only paid $11.99 for the box of diapers because I've been given $10 to spend later.

Feminine products (Kotex brand)
Being female, this is something I buy on a regular basis.  Though I didn't any now, I saw in the saver that if you bought the Kotex brand (pads or tampons), you would pay $4.99 but then also earn $4.99 bucks.  Fair warning, I wanted to buy pads, but they were all out...so I had to either buy liners or tampons.  I bought whatever to start a small stock-pile.
Bucks earned: $4.99
This means that in theory, I'm getting this item for free.

Dove bar soap
Buying the two bar back cost $3.00
Bucks earned: $2.00
I essentially paid $1.00 for the bar soap.

Total bucks earned on this shopping trip: $16.99 (this is money I can spend on my next trip to CVS).  It's like having a tab (only you have to save your receipts).  Madness!  Literally...I have money to spend on almost anything I want (excludes alcohol and other things).

So how is this going to eliminate my debt.  I'm literally going to transfer $17 to my savings account as if I would have spent it...and then I'll send a payment to one of my remaining cards later :)

This is gonna be great!

I don't understand why they don't teach high school students how to do this super couponing thing.  The amount of things I could have purchased for school or to eat rather than relying on ramen and rice.  Ah the memories.

Some questions on the Bucks that I promise to investigate:
1.  Do you have to use all of the bucks at once, or do you get a receipt with a remaining balance?
2. Bucks print out per item (so I have 3 from today's shopping trip)...can I stack them for one transaction?

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