Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do Not Double/Do Not Triple

I have this statement on many of the manufacturer coupons that I print up off sites like,, etc.  I assumed it meant that you couldn't use both a store and a manufacturer coupon for the same item.

From what I can tell, that is not the case.  It has to do with stores that have "double coupon" days....and the branding is more for the store than for us because it would mean that the manufacturer will only reimburse them for the face value of the coupon.

Here is a great example that I found:

"So, for example, if you have a 50-cent coupon and the store doubles it to $1, the manufacturer will pay the store back 50 cents for the coupon, plus that 8 cents for handling. But the other 42 cents comes out of the store's pocket. Many stores choose to go ahead and double coupons anyway because it's a way to compete with other stores in the super-competitive grocery industry. And that is really good for shoppers!"

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